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C3 Training Pty Ltd



Looking for a fun and dynamic franchise opportunity? Look no further than C3 Training Pty Ltd! This innovative strength and conditioning gym is taking the fitness world by storm, and now you can be a part of it.

With six locations already in New South Wales, C3 Training is seeking franchisees in ACT, NSW, and VIC. And it's not hard to see why. C3 Training's mission is all about community - not competition. With carefully designed group workouts over a 12 week cycle, C3 Training helps members achieve their functional fitness goals while building a fitness family along the way.

But C3 Training is more than just a gym - it's a lifestyle. Work closely with expert coaches who care about your goals and want to help you reach them. C3's 12 Week Program is tailored to your individual abilities, goals, and preferences, so you can be sure you're getting the most out of your workouts.

And with a variety of classes to choose from - including Strong, Shape, Condition, and even Boxing - there's something for everyone at C3 Training. Choose the classes that align with your goals over 12 Weeks, and join a community that supports you both inside and outside the gym.

But the best part? You don't have to go it alone. As a C3 Training franchisee, you'll have the support of a team dedicated to your success. With expertly-designed programs, personalised sessions to suit your needs, and a community to back you up, the sky's the limit with C3 Training.

So what are you waiting for? Join the C3 Training family today and become part of a movement that's changing the fitness industry for good. Enquire about the franchise opportunity today and take the first step towards a fit and fulfilling future.

Industry Division


Industry Sub-Division

Personal and Other Services

Address of the franchisor’s registered office

SWM, Level 3, Suite 234, 7-11 The Avenue Hurstville, NSW

Address of the Principal business office

312 Rocky Point Rd Ramsgate NSW

Where the franchise currently operates


Where the franchise is planning to expand


Last month of franchisor’s financial year

Not Provided

Year in which the last financial year ends

Not Provided

Years In Operation(Years)


Supplier Restriction


Franchisor Can Change Agreement


What is the standard term of franchise agreements

3 to less than 5 years

Are franchisees entitled to compensation for goodwill in the business


Are franchisees subject to a restraint of trade (or similar) clause


Franchising Agreement URL

Not provided

Option For Renewal

Yes - Subject to new agreement AND conditions

Public Email

[email protected]

Public Phone Number


Website URL

Youtube Link

Not Provided

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Key Facts Sheet Url

Not provided

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C3 Training Pty Ltd Franchise Cost

Minimum Investment


Maximum Investment


Minimum Ongoing Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Ongoing Payments


Minimum Other Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Other Payments

Not Provided

Total Owner Franchisors


Total Co-orporate Franchises


Disclosure Url :

Not provided

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What are 3 reasons someone should invest in a C3 Training Pty Ltd franchise?

Are you tired of the same old workout routine and looking for a fun and dynamic franchise opportunity? Look no further than C3 Training Pty Ltd! Here are three reasons why you should consider this innovative strength and conditioning gym as your next franchise investment:

1. Community over competition: C3 Training's mission is all about building a family-like community within the gym. With carefully designed group workouts over a 12 week cycle, C3 Training helps members achieve their functional fitness goals while fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. As a franchisee, you'll be a part of this welcoming community too.

2. Personalised fitness programs: C3 Training's 12 Week Program is tailored to each individual member's abilities, goals, and preferences. And as a franchisee, you'll be able to offer these personalised sessions to your clients, helping them to achieve their fitness goals and feel confident in their bodies.

3. Expert support: As a C3 Training franchisee, you won't be going at it alone. With expertly-designed programs, personalised sessions to suit your needs, and a supportive community to back you up, you'll have all the tools you need to help your clients achieve their fitness goals. Plus, with a team dedicated to your success, you'll have the support you need to grow your business and thrive in the fitness industry.

So why not join the C3 Training family today and become a part of the fitness movement that's changing the industry for the better? Enquire about the franchise opportunity today and take the first step towards a fit and fulfilling future!

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