Join Australia's Largest Franchising Family with Jim's Group Pty Ltd - Enquire Today

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Jim's Group Pty Ltd



Are you tired of the 9-5 grind and looking for a new opportunity in the world of franchising? Look no further than Jim's Group Pty Ltd, the national franchisor for all Jim's Group consumer services.

With 33 years in operation and over 4,300 franchisees across 45-plus divisions, Jim's Group is Australia's largest franchising family. Whether you want to be a sole-operator or grow a large business with multiple staff, the choices within the Jim's system are endless.

But what sets Jim's Group apart from other franchisors? It all starts with the story of Jim Penman, who started a part-time gardening business while earning his PhD in history. In 1982, he launched Jim's Mowing full-time with just a $24 investment. By 1989, he franchised his business, and since then, Jim's Mowing has become the largest franchise chain in Australia and the largest and best-known lawn mowing business in the world.

Jim's Group has expanded beyond just mowing, though. From cleaning and pest control to handyman services and more, there is a Jim's Division to suit anyone. And with a world-class franchising training program and campus in Melbourne, Victoria, Jim's franchisees receive all the essential information needed to start their business off in the best way possible.

But the support doesn't stop after training. Jim's regional franchisors are on-call 24/7 to provide ongoing support from day one. And for those interested in a master franchise opportunity, Jim's Group also offers the chance to become a regional franchisor and sell franchises to meet the demand of the 240,000 un-serviced leads Jim's Group receives each year.

So why choose Jim's Group? Not only is it Australia's largest franchising family, but it also offers a wide variety of services, a world-class training program, and ongoing support from regional franchisors. Plus, with the ability to be a sole-operator or grow a large business with multiple staff, the choice is yours. Don't let your boss hold you back and start living life on your own terms by enquiring about a Jim's Group franchise today.

Industry Division


Industry Sub-Division

Rental and Hiring Services (except Real Estate)

Address of the franchisor’s registered office

48 Edinburgh Road, Mooroolbark VIC 3138 Australia

Address of the Principal business office

48 Edinburgh Road, Mooroolbark VIC 3138 Australia

Where the franchise currently operates


Where the franchise is planning to expand


Last month of franchisor’s financial year


Year in which the last financial year ends


Years In Operation(Years)


Supplier Restriction


Franchisor Can Change Agreement


What is the standard term of franchise agreements

5 or more years

Are franchisees entitled to compensation for goodwill in the business


Are franchisees subject to a restraint of trade (or similar) clause


Franchising Agreement URL

Not provided

Option For Renewal

Yes - Subject to new agreement AND conditions

Public Email

[email protected]

Public Phone Number

131 546

Website URL

Youtube Link

Not Provided

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Key Facts Sheet Url

Not provided

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Jim's Group Pty Ltd Franchise Cost

Minimum Investment


Maximum Investment


Minimum Ongoing Payments


Maximum Ongoing Payments


Minimum Other Payments


Maximum Other Payments


Total Owner Franchisors


Total Co-orporate Franchises


Disclosure Url :

Not provided

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What are 3 reasons someone should invest in a Jim's Group Pty Ltd franchise?

Looking for a fun, exciting franchise opportunity in Australia? Look no further than Jim's Group Pty Ltd! Here are three reasons why:

1. The choices are endless. With over 4,300 franchisees across 45-plus divisions, Jim's Group has something to suit anyone. From cleaning and pest control to handyman services and more, the options are endless. Whether you want to be a sole-operator or grow a large business with multiple staff, the sky's the limit!

2. You'll receive world-class training. Jim's Group has a state-of-the-art franchising training program and campus in Melbourne, Victoria. You'll receive all the essential information needed to start your business off in the best way possible. Plus, ongoing support is available 24/7 from regional franchisors.

3. It's the largest franchising family in Australia. Jim's Group has been in operation for 33 years, and it's the largest and best-known lawn mowing business in the world. With a master franchise opportunity available, there's no limit to how far you can go. Don't let your boss hold you back – start living life on your own terms by enquiring about a Jim's Group franchise today!

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