Triple Thread Learning

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Triple Thread Learning




Industry Division


Industry Sub-Division

Preschool and School Education

Address of the franchisor’s registered office

545 Solitary Islands Way, Moonee Beach, NSW 2450

Address of the Principal business office

545 Solitary Islands Way, Moonee Beach, NSW 2450

Where the franchise currently operates


Where the franchise is planning to expand

Not provided

Last month of franchisor’s financial year


Year in which the last financial year ends


Years In Operation(Years)

Not Provided

Supplier Restriction


Franchisor Can Change Agreement


What is the standard term of franchise agreements

5 or more years

Are franchisees entitled to compensation for goodwill in the business

The goodwill attaching to the intellectual property does not belong or accrue to the franchisee. The franchise agreement does not provide for any compensation in relation to the goodwill in the intellectual property used or derived by the franchisee under the franchise agreement, nor payment of any goodwilll at the end of the term of the franchise agreement. However, if the franchisee (subject to the consent of the franchisor) sells its business during the term of the franchise agreement, there may be a goodwill payment which is apportioned as between the franchisee as vendor and the new franchisee as purchaser. This is a matter for negotiation as between the vendor and purchaser franchisees, as is the apportionment of any plant and equipment and employee entitlements.

Are franchisees subject to a restraint of trade (or similar) clause


Franchising Agreement URL

Not provided

Option For Renewal

Yes - Subject to new agreement AND conditions

Public Email

[email protected]

Public Phone Number


Website URL

Youtube Link

Not Provided

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Key Facts Sheet Url

Not provided

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Triple Thread Learning Franchise Cost

Minimum Investment

Not Provided

Maximum Investment

Not Provided

Minimum Ongoing Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Ongoing Payments

Not Provided

Minimum Other Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Other Payments

Not Provided

Total Owner Franchisors

Not provided

Total Co-orporate Franchises


Disclosure Url :

Not provided

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