Discover the Delicious Opportunity of Bonbons Bakery Franchise in Australia -

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Bonbons Bakery



Looking for a fun and exciting business opportunity that will satisfy your love for baked goods? Look no further than Bonbons Bakery franchise! Established in 2011, Bonbons Bakery is a bakery cafe franchise that values fresh, delicious baked products and quality coffee.

From a concept of East Meets West, Bonbons Bakery offers a unique experience in their retail stores that specialises in Grab and Go Asian and Western style freshly baked bread, hot and cold beverages, cakes, and treats. With more than 25 stores strong based in Victoria and interstate, Bonbons Bakery offers a profitable and popular franchise opportunity that will make you proud to be part of.

With its irresistible baked goods and quality coffee, Bonbons Bakery is a business that will always have customers coming back for more. As a franchise owner, you will receive ongoing support from the franchisor, benefit from their established brand, and have access to all the tools you need to make your business a success.

Don't let this sweet opportunity slip away, enquire today about becoming a Bonbons Bakery franchise owner!

Industry Division


Industry Sub-Division

Food and Beverage Services

Address of the franchisor’s registered office

Unit 12, 22-24 Bond Street Mordialloc, VIC 3195

Address of the Principal business office

Unit 12, 22-24 Bond Street Mordialloc, VIC 3195

Where the franchise currently operates


Where the franchise is planning to expand


Last month of franchisor’s financial year

Not Provided

Year in which the last financial year ends

Not Provided

Years In Operation(Years)


Supplier Restriction


Franchisor Can Change Agreement


What is the standard term of franchise agreements

5 or more years

Are franchisees entitled to compensation for goodwill in the business


Are franchisees subject to a restraint of trade (or similar) clause


Franchising Agreement URL

Not provided

Option For Renewal

Yes - Subject to new agreement AND conditions

Public Email

[email protected]

Public Phone Number

1300 305 804

Website URL

Youtube Link

Not Provided

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Key Facts Sheet Url

Not provided

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Bonbons Bakery Franchise Cost

Minimum Investment

Not Provided

Maximum Investment

Not Provided

Minimum Ongoing Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Ongoing Payments

Not Provided

Minimum Other Payments

Not Provided

Maximum Other Payments

Not Provided

Total Owner Franchisors


Total Co-orporate Franchises


Disclosure Url :

Not provided

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What are 3 reasons someone should invest in a Bonbons Bakery franchise?

1. Sweet Success: If you've got a passion for baked goods and crave a business opportunity that values quality and freshness, then Bonbons Bakery is the perfect choice for you. With its unique Grab and Go concept of East Meets West, Bonbons Bakery offers a profitable and popular franchise opportunity that will make your taste buds sing.

2. Ongoing Support: As a Bonbons Bakery franchise owner, you'll have the advantage of ongoing support from the franchisor. From marketing strategies to product development, you'll gain access to all the tools and expertise necessary to make your business a success. Plus, being part of an established brand means you'll be able to leverage the popularity of the Bonbons Bakery name and enjoy an already-existing customer base.

3. Multiple Locations: With over 25 stores already established in Victoria and interstate, Bonbons Bakery offers a strong, recognisable brand that has already proven successful. This means you have access to a built-in support system and community of fellow franchise owners who can help you navigate the various challenges of starting a new business. Plus, with the opportunity to open new stores in several different states, you'll be able to experience growth and expansion in a multitude of markets.

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