Riding the wellness wave with inLIFE Wellness - choosefranchise.com

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Riding the wellness wave

13th Feb 2024

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Riding the wellness wave

By Emily Ainsworth

The fitness franchise industry is booming in Australia, buoyed by growing consumer demand for health and wellness offerings in a post-pandemic world. Leading the charge is inLIFE Wellness, a Reformer Pilates concept that blends authentic Pilates with fresh workout modalities.


With 15 studios across Sydney, five in Perth and expansion underway in the US, inLIFE is emerging as a dominant player. Founder Scott Capelin attributes this rapid growth to strategic targeting of an underserved demographic.


“Our target market is women aged 30-70 who want a supportive community and are willing to invest in a long-term lifestyle solution,” says Scott.


“This group stays for 3-5 years on average because you’re not selling an $80 weekly membership to a 21-year-old uni student.”


“The average membership lifespan in fitness has been six months for 20 years – imagine investing $500,000 to open a studio and members only stay six months!”


In contrast, inLIFE's average retention is a healthy 15 months. Scott credits their unique fusion classes, fair membership fees and brand community to high member retention.


Purpose-drive profits


With Reformer Pilates as its cornerstone, inLIFE blends this powerful modality with other disciplines including boxing, HIIT and barre to create unique ‘fusion’ classes. The variety of classes captivates members while affordability retains them, with membership options providing excellent value from just $49 per week.


Scott encourages aspiring business owners to leverage proven franchise systems.


“It's not a question of whether to start your own studio. It's do you want to follow a blueprint for victory or reinvent the wheel?


“Because if you don't want to follow a proven system and you want to paint one wall purple and offer Zumba, it's just not for you.


“Tony Robbins talks about a thing called modelling, he says ‘look at someone who's achieved the goals you want to achieve and do what they do’.”


Scott firmly believes fitness franchising has hit a sweet spot.


“The market's growing at nine per cent annually and we've seen increased spending on health and experiences post-COVID. People want flexibility and our low-impact Pilates offerings deliver.”


For entrepreneurs seeking an alluring work-life balance business aligned with contemporary wellness values, inLIFE ticks all the boxes. Its strategic growth plan, retention-focused marketing and passionate community set owners up for success.


“Franchising is the smartest way to do what you love; 80 percent of small businesses fail while 91% of franchises succeed so it’s a = no-brainer,” Scott signs off.


Ready to ride the wellness wave? Discover more about franchise opportunities with inLIFE Wellness.

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