The Stepz Fitness story -

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The Stepz Fitness story

17th Dec 2023

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The Stepz Fitness story

By Emily Ainsworth

When Sam Waller first stepped into a Stepz Fitness gym back in 2009, he was a 20-something personal trainer who’d just dropped out of uni.


Fast forward 15 years, he’s now at the helm of one of Australia’s most successful fitness franchises, having transformed Stepz from a standard 24/7 gym to the first and only hybrid gym in the country offering a blend of both round-the-clock and functional fitness.


“I was studying business management at uni – I lasted two weeks because my passion has always been about health and fitness,” he says.

“Before I owned the whole franchise, I found a Stepz gym in St Lucia, and what I loved most was that it wasn’t intimidating, everyone was so friendly.

“So I worked there as a personal trainer and then owned the gym a couple of years later.”


Despite his initial dropout, Sam later completed a law degree; not to practice law but to enhance his business acumen.


“With franchising, there are a lot of legal aspects – negotiating leases, handling conflicts, understanding marketing laws. Having legal knowledge has been a great tool.”


Expanding the Stepz Fitness brand.


Today, Sam owns two Stepz Fitness gyms in regional New South Wales and one in Queensland.


Under his leadership, Stepz Fitness has expanded to 20 locations, with more on the horizon.


“This year has been our biggest in terms of franchise expansion and sales. We've opened four gyms and have another 10 in the pipeline for the next 12 months.”


A focus on regional impact.


Sam's strategy focuses on regional expansion, steering clear of saturated markets.


“We want to grow steadily and in the right way, away from too much competition,” he explains.


By bringing high-quality fitness facilities to regional areas, Stepz Fitness offers a city-like experience that locals appreciate. This approach also makes sense from a business perspective, with better deals on rent and less competition.


The hybrid concept.


Sam's innovative and highly successful hybrid model combines 24/7 gym access with functional group fitness; a concept he created after feeling the industry was too uniform.


“Everyone was doing the same thing in the 24/7 market, it was hard to differentiate,” he says.


This model has not only set Stepz Fitness apart but also ensured its long-term success.


“I haven't closed a gym since we started in 2009. Most of our gyms have been around for over 12 years.”


A personal mission


For Sam, the journey is more than just business; it's about impact.


“When I took over, I would have been one of the youngest franchisors out there. But it wasn't by design – I didn't want to grow and it wasn't about making money.

“I wanted to positively impact more people and I'm so glad that in my position now, I'm able to do that at scale.”

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